Understanding Kashima's Procedure: A Detailed Explanation of It's History and Medical Significance

Kashima's Procedure or Kashima's Surgery or Co2 laser-assisted glottis widening which is a surgical invention primarily used to treat Bilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis. This condition occurs where both vocal folds are immobile. This problem can lead to severe airway obstruction, difficulty in breathing and significant voice changes. Cordotomy Incision Historical Significance of Kashima's Procedure: Dr. Tsutomu Kashima, a pioneering otolaryngologist behind the development of the CO2 laser-assisted glottis widening procedure, commonly known as Kashima's procedure . His work has had a profound impact on the treatment of bilateral vocal fold paralysis, offering a less invasive and more effective solution compared to traditional methods. Development: Innovative Approach: a) Dr. Kashima's procedure involves the use of a CO2 laser to perform precise incisions on the vocal folds. This method helps to widen the glottis (the space between the vocal folds), improving airflow and...